Covid-19 and infectious disease/illness safety and risk mitigation is an expression of love and care for myself and my community.

I provide care for folks who are medically vulnerable: have trauma histories, pre-existing health conditions, are going through cancer treatments, have scheduled surgeries and are recovering, are pregnant, are elderly, are disabled, have small children, have less accessibility/resources/privilege etc. – all of which makes them more susceptible to the wrath the coronavirus and illness can bring.

While risk of death and hospitalizations have decreased with vaccination and varying levels of immunity, research has shown that long covid is prevalent in 10-30% of the population, with risk increasing with each infection. It is very important that everyone take this into consideration as we continue to work in very close conditions together and navigate through the ever-changing climate of Covid-19 and its evolving variants.

What you do and how you do it affects my health and safety as well as the community of folks that I care about and serve.

  • KN95 or N95 masks are REQUIRED while in my office. Your face mask must fully cover your nose and mouth, secure/extend under your chin, fit snugly against the side of your face, be worn affixed by ties or straps around your head or behind your ears and will not require frequent adjustment or touching. Anything less than a KN95 or N95 will not be accepted as they do not provide adequate protection against the highly transmissible coronavirus.

  • Cancel/reschedule/do not schedule if YOU are experiencing ANY covid, respiratory, flu or gastrointestinal symptoms within 5 days of your appointment or have been diagnosed with Covid-19

  • Cancel/reschedule/do not schedule if ANYONE in your household is experiencing ANY covid, respiratory, flu or gastrointestinal symptoms within 5 days of your appointment or has been diagnosed with Covid-19

  • Cancel/reschedule/do not schedule if you have been in close contact with anyone in the last 5 days (from your appointment) who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or any contagious illness

  • If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have been in my office within 7 days of your diagnosis, please inform me immediately

At home covid tests are less reliable than PCR tests, especially as variants evolve.

DO NOT use a negative home test result to justify negating any of the above policies.